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Showing posts from May, 2023

Telling the stories of LGBTQ Murder Victims

The stories of Sakia Gunn, Matthew Shepard, and other LGBTQ murder victims should be remembered and told in a way that honors their lives and raises awareness about the impact of hate crimes on marginalized communities. This is a call to action to end anti-LGBTQ violence and discrimination. Sakia Gunn: Remembering Her Life Who Was Sakia Gunn?

Breast Cancer Surgery: Understanding Your Options

Dealing with breast cancer can be difficult, but understanding your options for surgery can help give you back some control. Learn about the different surgical options and what to consider before making a decision. Mastectomy vs Lumpectomy: Which is Right for You? Mastectomy A mastectomy involves the complete removal of the breast tissue. It may be recommended for large tumors or if cancer has spread to other parts of the breast.

Don't Forget the Caretakers: The Unsung Heroes of Cancer Patients

Cancer caretakers are the unsung heroes who provide care and support to cancer patients, often at great personal sacrifice. As patients, we depend on them for strength and emotional support, but their role is often overlooked. Let's explore the importance of their role and ways we can support them.Cancer caregivers are often the unsung heroes in the journey of the cancer patient. They endure the heart-wrenching process of watching their loved ones suffer and fight. So, it's crucial to acknowledge their selfless sacrifice, provide them the support they need and help them cope with their emotions. The Role of Cancer Caretakers Physical Support Caretakers provide physical assistance to patients, including tasks like cooking, cleaning and medication management. Emotional Support

Why Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer is Vital for Young Women

Genetic testing can help identify a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. This is especially important for young women who may not be aware of their family history. By taking a genetic test, women can take proactive steps towards prevention and early detection. Overview

Black celebrities affected by breast cancer

Famous black women affected by breast cancer ,  1. Robin Roberts: American television broadcaster and anchor of ABC's Good Morning America, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. 2. Hoda Kotb: American television personality and co-anchor of NBC's Today Show, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007.

The Financial Burden of Cancer

Cancer is not only emotionally exhausting, but financially draining, especially for young adults with a family who are barely making ends meet. With the rising costs of rent and treatment, it’s becoming nearly impossible for cancer patients to survive. Let's help ease their burden. The Cost of Cancer Treatments $150

Cancer Resources for Young People

Being diagnosed with cancer as a young person can feel overwhelming. But resources are available to help manage the financial burden and emotional toll of the disease. Here are some resources to get you started. Grants and Financial Assistance Angel Foundation This organization offers financial assistance for non-medical expenses such as rent, utilities, and groceries. Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition CFAC provides a searchable database of financial resources that can help cover the cost of cancer treatment. HealthWell Foundation The HealthWell Foundation assists with the cost of insurance premiums and copays for cancer treatment. The SAMFund The SAMFund provides financial grants to young adult cancer survivors to help pay for education, living expenses and professional development. Breast Cancer Resources Breast Cancer Awareness Organizations such as Susan G. Komen provide comprehensive resources for breast cancer patients, including support groups, financial assistance, and info

Learning to love your Cancer Body

As a cancer survivor, you may have heard many stories about people who are ecstatic about their new body after cancer. They talk about how they have a new appreciation for life and how they feel like they have been given a second chance. While it's great that they are feeling positive and optimistic, it's important to remember that not everyone feels that way. It's okay to feel depressed or unhappy about your new body after cancer. You may not like the way you look or feel like you're not the same person you were before. These feelings are valid, and it's important to acknowledge them. It's important to remember that everyone's journey through cancer is different. Some people may have had a relatively easy time with treatment and recovery, while others may have had a much more difficult time. It's also important to remember that cancer can leave physical and emotional scars that can take time to heal. If you're feeling depressed or unhap

Why Age 40 Shouldn’t Be the Minimum

As a young Black woman, I can’t help but be aware of the fact that breast cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent among women of my age. The American Cancer Society currently recommends that women begin getting mammograms at the age of 40, but in my opinion, this should not be the limit. Black and Latina women are being diagnosed with the disease at younger and younger ages, and it is crucial that we understand the importance of early and accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, our young girls should understand the basics of breast health, and it should be accessible for anyone, regardless of their age. Public figures such as Lupe Fiasco, Gabrielle Union, and Selena Gomez have all been diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40. This shows that the disease can affect anyone, regardless of age or status, and that it is of the utmost importance to be aware of one’s own body. Self-exams should become a part of the regular routine, and it should not be considered uncomfortable t

Mastectomy resources

1. Support groups: Support groups can provide an opportunity to connect with others who have gone through similar experiences. They can offer emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community. 2. Counseling or therapy: Counseling or therapy can help individuals work through the emotional challenges of a mastectomy, including grief, anxiety, and depression. 3. Breast reconstruction: Breast reconstruction may be an option for individuals who have undergone a mastectomy. It can help to restore the appearance of the breast and improve body image.


 It's not that I don't want friends , its that the friends I thought I had wasn't really there for me when I needed them most. I know I shouldn't dwell on things , or just accept that , some people just don't know how to deal with a person with cancer , but now its too late people just tried to reach out too late. Having no one to vent too is the worst thing ever keeping your thoughts to yourself is very scary. I tried to meet up with old friends but I canceled it didn't feel right an what are we going to about my cancer journey? I'm kind of sick and tired of people only reaching out because I have(had) cancer . I honestly only think they hit me up , comment on my post so it can look good for them, like if I die they'll have a post to post on social media. May sound weird but thats how I feel , I wish I had friendships , wish I had people besides my brother an Doug . People assume that I have all this support that I have so many friends to lean on , that

Really Cut my boobs off

Having a double mastectomy at 34 years old sucks! It is not something that anyone would choose voluntarily, but sometimes life throws curveballs that we cannot avoid. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the only option was to have both my breasts removed.

Taking our style

It’s no secret that black and brown women are often criticized for their fashion and beauty choices. From wearing hoop earrings to sporting braids, we are constantly told that our style is “ghetto” or “unprofessional.” But when a white girl does the same thing, it’s suddenly “fashionable” or “trendy.” It’s frustrating and exhausting to see our cultural creations be appropriated and celebrated on others while we are ridiculed for it. Let’s take hoop earrings, for example. Hoops have been a staple in black and brown culture for decades. They are a symbol of our strength and resilience, and they have been worn by women of color as a way to express their identity and heritage. But when a white girl wears them, she is seen as fashion-forward and trendy. It’s almost as if the hoops are only acceptable when they are worn by someone who is not black or brown.

Young Adult with Cancer

Living with cancer is a battle. Being a young adult with cancer is an even greater challenge. This is my story - not for pity, but for advocacy. Join me in raising awareness and supporting cancer research. My Diagnosis and Journey Diagnosis and Treatment At 33, I was diagnosed with cancer. The journey has been long and difficult, but with the help of my healthcare team, I remain hopeful and committed to my treatment plan. Side Effects of Chemotherapy I've experienced a wide range of side effects during my treatment, including nausea, fatigue, and hair loss. But I'm determined to keep fighting. Connecting with Other Survivors Joining a support group for cancer survivors has helped me tremendously. Meeting others who have gone through similar experiences makes me feel less alone in my battle. The Emotional Challenges Dealing with Fear Fear is a constant companion when you have cancer. But I've learned to face it head-on and focus on the positive things in my life. Accepting H

Losing Friends During Cancer

Being a young adult is hard as it is, but then throw in a cancer diagnosis. I lost all my friends during the hardest time in my life. I thought we had living single girlfriend type of friendships, but I guess not. The Impact on Friendships Loss of Support System A cancer diagnosis can be isolating. Losing our social support system makes it worse. Friendship Breakdown

Cancer in the Black Community: Understanding the Misrepresentation

Black people are being diagnosed with cancer at increasingly younger ages due to a lack of representation in healthcare systems. This presentation explores the systemic issues surrounding cancer care for black Americans. History of Cancer in the Black Community Prostate Cancer Black men are more likely to develop prostate cancer and are twice as likely to die from it. Breast Cancer

Living with Cancer: My Personal Journey

Living with cancer is tough, but for the past 3 months, I've been fighting this with all my courage. The journey hasn't been easy, but it has definitely helped me grow stronger in so many ways. Diagnosis: What was it like to learn that I have cancer? Shock The initial diagnosis felt like a punch in the stomach. It took me a while to accept the news and understand what it meant for me and my family. Fear My biggest fear was losing myself, but then I realized that fear only feeds negative energy and that I needed to work on positivity.

Living with Cancer: My Journey

Living with cancer is a rollercoaster ride. I have been battling it for 3 months now, and every day is a new challenge. Despite feeling horrible, I am still the same person, and I am not contagious - you cannot catch cancer. Physical and Emotional Effects Physical Effects
Cancer can test the strongest of marriages, but my husband and I have only grown closer. Together we've learned to appreciate the present moment and savor life's simple pleasures.Being a mother and navigating cancer treatment has taught me the value of self-care. My children have motivated me to push through the difficult days and never give up.Being surrounded by loved ones has been crucial to my journey back to health. My husband and children have been my backbone through the ups and downs.  

Living with Cancer at 34

Despite my diagnosis, I am still alive and want to be treated as such. Don't pity me - let's talk about something else, like the latest shade on the hottest gossip site. Cancer's Ups and Downs The Hardest Part Dealing with the physical and emotional toll of chemotherapy and radiation has been the most difficult aspect of my journey. The Bright Spots The love and support of friends and family, and finding humor in even the most difficult moments, have kept me going. What I've Learned Cancer has taught me to appreciate every moment, always be kind, and let go of the things that don't matter. Being a Young Adult with Cancer The Loneliness Most cancer patients are either children or older adults, so it's hard to find people who understand what I'm going through. The Financial Strain Cancer treatment can be expensive, and missing work for appointments can add to the stress. The Silver Lining I've met some amazing people through support groups and online commu

Recovering From a Double Mastectomy: What You Need to Know

I currently am 2 months out of surgery , I have expanders until my second surgery most surgeons would do the entire process with implants but me an my surgeon decided it would be best if we do this in a two phase surgery just because we didn't know if I would need radiation an sometimes radiation can mess up the implants an I just didn't want to go through that , I am in active treatment I have a lot of time now to have an get use to these expanders 9 months to exact. I am still healing still not okayed to work out still not okayed to start physical therapy but I am alive an CANCER FREE 7 nodes an all was negative !!! the breast where the cancer was , that arm was hard for me to lift above my head but after week 5 an me just keep going against grain lifting my arms moving my shoulders (you dont want frozen shoulders) I am able to do most things !! I cant really carry heavy items still but, who cares for that when you got a man lol. After a double mastectomy, proper recovery is

Being a Young Adult with Cancer

My name is Annabelle and I'm 33 years old. I was diagnosed with cancer, but don't feel bad for me - I'm not dead yet. I'm fighting this battle and need all the support I can get. This is the hardest journey I've ever been on, but I'm not alone. Let me tell you my story. My Battle with Cancer: The Toughest Challenge Yet Bad News My diagnosis was a shock, but the hardest part was telling my family and friends. I felt like I had let everyone down. Support System

Juggling Motherhood, Marriage, and Cancer: How I Found Resilience

Living with a serious illness while trying to fulfill multiple roles can be daunting. In this article, I share how I managed to balance being a mother, wife, and cancer patient. I also reveal the coping mechanisms I used to stay strong and positive despite the challenges. Juggling Multiple Roles: Mother, Wife, and Patient Motherhood Being a mother is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. Despite my cancer diagnosis, I'm still able to be there for my kids, help them with homework, and spend quality time with them. They are my biggest motivation to stay strong.

Denied SSD Benefits: The Harsh Reality of Cancer Patients

Cancer patients face far too many challenges. It's unjust that one of those challenges is being denied SSI benefits. Not being able to work while undergoing treatment creates a vicious cycle, leading to homelessness, a risk that no one should face. Challenges in the Workplace Physical Limitations Cancer patients experience a myriad of physical symptoms that can affect their ability to work. Fatigue, pain, and nausea are all common side effects of treatment and can reduce productivity. Emotional Stress