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The Financial Burden of Cancer

Cancer is not only emotionally exhausting, but financially draining, especially for young adults with a family who are barely making ends meet. With the rising costs of rent and treatment, it’s becoming nearly impossible for cancer patients to survive. Let's help ease their burden.

The Cost of Cancer Treatments


Monthly medication cost for some breast cancer patients


Monthly treatment cost for some leukemia patients


Cost of a year’s supply of the newest cancer drug, Darzalex

The Impact on Young Adults and Families

Financial Woes for Young Adults

Young adults already struggle with the high costs of living. Add cancer treatment to the mix and they are faced with insurmountable financial distress.

Family Financial Strain

Cancer treatment places a huge financial burden on families. Often family members have to quit work to take care of their loved ones, incurring even more expenses.

Children with Cancer

Children with cancer, and their families, suffer not only emotionally, but financially as well. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of disease-related death in children.

Comparison to AIDS Patients' Assistance

AIDS Patients

AIDS patients have access to housing assistance, food programs, medical care, and counseling support to help with the costs of treatment.

Cancer Patients

Cancer patients have access to far fewer resources to help with medical bills, housing, transportation, and other necessities.

Discrepancy in Support

There is a severe discrepancy in the assistance provided to cancer and AIDS patients. It's time for us to take a stand and demand adequate support for cancer patients.

Available Resources for Cancer Patients

American Cancer Society

Provides a range of programs and services, including lodging for cancer treatment, rides to appointments, and more.

Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition

Helps cancer patients with financial issues by providing support, advocacy, and education.


Provides financial assistance for cancer patients’ transportation, home care, child care, and more.

Personal Stories of Financial Struggle During Cancer Treatment

"I had to give up my job to take care of my son, and we went through our savings pretty quickly. It was a very difficult time."

- Sarah, Mother of a Young Cancer Patient

"I was not prepared for the financial devastation that comes with cancer. I had no idea how I was going to handle it all."

- Greg, Cancer Survivor

"Without the help of financial assistance programs and organizations, I wouldn't have been able to afford my cancer treatment. They gave me hope."

- Maria, Cancer Patient

Call to Action for Increased Support for Cancer Patients

Now is the time for us to take action and demand better support for those impacted by cancer. We have the power to change lives and alleviate the financial burden of treatment. Let’s stand together to help those in need.


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