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Showing posts from July, 2023


Written : by Leanne Roberts I'm totally here to be an ally to breast cancer and support my cousin Kim through every part of her journey. I'm, like, on a mission to learn everything about breast cancer and, you know, really understand what gets under the nerves of breast cancer thrivers.  So, first things first, let's dive into the basics. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of the breast. It can develop in both women and men, but it's, like, way more common in women. There are different types of breast cancer, and it can be, like, super scary to hear the diagnosis. But we're gonna be there for Kim every step of the way!

A Journey of Strength: Battling Stage III Breast Cancer

This is from a email I received  from a tweet I tweeted the other day , Here's what Sacha had to say. I want to share my personal experience as a strong black woman who recently battled stage III breast cancer. Chemotherapy, a powerful treatment, has taken a toll on my body, affecting everything from my toenails to my nose and teeth. Join me as I take you through my journey and shed light on the challenges I faced. The Impact of Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy, often referred to as the trillionth power, is a potent treatment that aims to kill cancer cells. While it is effective in fighting cancer, it also comes with various side effects that can significantly impact one's quality of life. During my treatment, I experienced the loss of my toenails, changes in my sense of smell, and dental issues. These side effects can be overwhelming and take away the joy from everyday activities. The Strength of a Black Woman: As a black woman, I have always been resilient and strong. This battle w

Triple Positive Breast Cancer

Triple positive breast cancer refers to a specific subtype of breast cancer that is characterized by the presence of three hormone receptors: estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). These receptors play a crucial role in the growth and development of breast cancer cells. In triple positive breast cancer, the cancer cells have receptors for estrogen, progesterone, and HER2, which means they can be influenced by these hormones and growth factors. This subtype accounts for approximately 15-20% of all breast cancer cases. The presence of these hormone recept

Navigating the Complexities of Race and Healthcare: My Eye-Opening Experience

Hey there, fellow readers! Today, I want to share a mind-boggling story that will make you say "wow" and challenge your assumptions about race and healthcare. Strap in, because this is going to be a wild ride! Chapter 1: The Unexpected Reality Picture this: a highly educated, smart, and urban woman, who also happens to be light-skinned, like a very high yellow black woman. That's me. Now, imagine my surprise when I realized that passing as white could potentially grant me better medical treatment. You'd think this kind of thing was left in the past, right? Well, think again. Chapter 2: The Doctor's Office Chronicles My first doctor's appointment with my white mom was an eye-opening experience. As we walked into the waiting room, I couldn't help but notice the subtle differences in how we were treated. The receptionist's smile seemed a bit forced, and the other patients glanced at us with curious eyes. It was as if they were trying to figure out our rel


1. Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer that lacks three specific receptors: estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). This means that TNBC does not respond to hormonal therapies or targeted therapies that target these receptors. 2. TNBC accounts for approximately 10-20% of all breast cancer cases. It is more commonly diagnosed in younger women, African American women, and women with a BRCA1 gene mutation. 3. TNBC tends to be more aggressive and has a higher risk of recurrence compared to other types of breast cancer. It may also have a higher likelihood of spreading to other organs, such as the lungs or brain. 4. Due to the lack of targeted therapies, chemotherapy is the primary treatment option for TNBC. This can include a combination of drugs, such as anthracyclines and taxanes. 5. Research is ongoing to identify potential targeted therapies for TNBC. Some promising areas of study include im

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Triple negative breast cancer is typically treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. The specific treatment plan may vary depending on the stage and characteristics of the cancer, as well as individual factors. Surgery is often the first step in treatment and involves removing the tumor and surrounding tissue. This can be done through a lumpectomy (removal of the tumor and a small margin of healthy tissue) or a mastectomy (removal of the entire breast). Lymph node removal or biopsy may also be performed to determine if the cancer has spread. Chemotherapy is commonly used in triple negative breast cancer because it can target rapidly dividing cells. It is usually given before surgery (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) to shrink the tumor and make it easier to remove, or after surgery (adjuvant chemotherapy) to kill any remaining cancer cells. Different chemotherapy drugs or combinations may be used based on the individual case.


Recovering from triple negative breast cancer can be a challenging and individualized process. The specific steps and timeline for recovery can vary depending on the stage of the cancer, the treatment received, and the individual's overall health. Here are some general aspects of recovery that may be involved: 1. Physical healing: If surgery was part of the treatment, the body needs time to heal from the procedure. This may involve managing pain, taking prescribed medications, and following any post-operative care instructions provided by the healthcare team. 2. Managing side effects: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can cause various side effects, such as fatigue, nausea, hair loss, and changes in appetite. It's important to communicate any side effects to the healthcare team, as they can provide guidance and support to manage them effectively.


Audre Lorde's Cancer Journal is a powerful and transformative book that has the potential to change the lives of its readers in profound ways. For me personally, this book had a significant impact on my life in several ways. Firstly, Lorde's raw and honest account of her experience with cancer allowed me to confront my own fears and anxieties surrounding illness and mortality. Reading about her journey through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery helped me to understand that these feelings are normal and valid. It taught me the importance of acknowledging and processing my emotions, rather than suppressing them.

Hair after Cancer

Hey queens, let's talk about something that affects us all: chemo hair. Now, I know we like to keep it real and speak our minds, so let's dive into this topic with intelligence and a touch of slang.  First things first, chemo hair is no joke. It's a real thing that can have a big impact on our beautiful tresses. After going through chemo, our hair texture can change, and it's important to embrace and understand these changes. For me, personally, my hair became shinier and thinner after chemo. It's like my strands decided to take a different path, you know? But hey, we're queens, and we can rock any hair texture with confidence. Now, let's talk about the color. My hair went from its usual dark hue to a light brown, almost like a caramel shade. It was unexpected, but I learned to embrace it. It's all about finding the beauty in the unexpected, right? But here's the thing, ladies. Chemo hair affects each of us differently. Some may experience different

Doubling the Distance: The Importance of Genuine Support During Success

ife is a journey filled with both triumphs and challenges. As a breast cancer survivor, I have experienced firsthand the impact of true friendship during difficult times. However, it is equally important to have genuine support during moments of success. It is disheartening when those who were absent during my struggle suddenly want to be a part of my success. In this blog post, I want to emphasize the significance of maintaining distance from those who were not there for me during my battle with breast cancer, even as I celebrate my victories. During my battle with breast cancer, I faced numerous physical and emotional challenges. It was a time when I needed the unwavering support of my friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, some of those who I considered close friends were noticeably absent during this difficult period. Their lack of support left me feeling isolated and disappointed. It was a painful realization that not everyone in my life was capable of providing the support I need

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the ovaries, which are the female reproductive organs responsible for producing eggs and hormones. It is the fifth most common cancer among women and often goes undetected until it has reached an advanced stage. Symptoms of ovarian cancer can vary and may include: 1. Abdominal bloating or swelling 2. Pelvic pain or discomfort 3. Feeling full quickly while eating 4. Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation or frequent urination 5. Fatigue


In a world of plastic perfection, they stood tall, Barbie dolls, with their flawless smiles and all. But hidden beneath their painted facade, A truth untold, a secret flawed. For in their chests, where hearts should beat, No nipples adorned, no signs of defeat. A symbol of beauty, yet incomplete, The real Barbie's tale, bittersweet. But let us not dwell on the sorrow and pain, For humor can heal, like a gentle rain. So let's explore this topic with a smile, And find laughter in the midst of trial. Breast cancer, a battle fought with might, A journey of strength, a courageous fight. But oh, how absurd it seems to me, That Barbie's anatomy was never set free. Imagine the shock, the surprise, the glee, If Barbie dolls had nipples, for all to see. A touch of realism, a nod to the real, A humorous twist, a playful appeal.

The Struggles of Being a Young Black Latina Woman with Cancer: My Journey to Diagnosis

Introduction: Hey there, fellow warriors! Today, I want to share a story that combines the seriousness of cancer with a touch of humor. As a young black Latina woman living in an urban area, I faced a unique set of challenges when it came to being taken seriously by doctors. Little did they know, I was about to prove them wrong in the most unexpected way. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let's dive into my rollercoaster journey of misdiagnosis and triumph. Chapter 1: The Battle Begins Picture this: a vibrant, energetic young woman, armed with determination and a nagging feeling that something was wrong. I visited countless doctors, explaining my symptoms and concerns, only to be met with dismissive responses. "You're too young for a mammogram," they said. "It's probably just stress," they claimed. But deep down, I knew something wasn't right.

Celebrating the Strength and Resilience of Black Women Today

In today's society, being a black woman comes with its own unique set of challenges and triumphs. We have fought tirelessly for our voices to be heard, our stories to be told, and our experiences to be acknowledged. However, there are instances when individuals make choices that can set us back, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and undermining our progress. One such recent incident involves Carlee Russell, whose actions have caused disappointment and frustration within the black community. Despite this setback, it is crucial to remember that our strength and resilience will always prevail. One of the ongoing battles faced by black women is the lack of media representation. Our stories, achievements, and struggles are often overlooked or misrepresented. This lack of visibility perpetuates harmful stereotypes and limits the opportunities available to us. It is disheartening to see that even in today's progressive society, we still have to fight for our rightful place in the media

Surviving the Battle: One Year Later

 It's been a minute since I last checked in with y'all. Today marks one year since my breast decided to go rogue and try to take me out. But guess what? They didn't win! I'm still here, kicking ass and taking names. So, let's take a trip down memory lane and reflect on the rollercoaster ride that was the past year. The anniversary of my triple negative breast cancer diagnosis, with a 43 percent survival rate. As I reflect on this past year, I also acknowledge the one-year anniversary of my father's passing. While I don't like to intertwine these two journeys, I feel it's important to acknowledge both and share my experiences transparently. Despite being four months into remission, I must admit that fear still lingers within me. In this blog post, I want to share my ongoing active treatment, the challenges I faced during chemotherapy, the strength I found as a mother, and the pride I have in my body's resilience. Additionally, I will touch upon my upc

Bible ship

Hey there, fellow warriors! So, here I am, four months cancer-free, and let me tell you, this journey to the "Bible ship" ( "Survivorship") has been anything but easy. I mean, who knew that accepting the fact that I would no longer have breasts would be the least of my worries? Oh, the joys of being a cancer survivor! Let's talk about the things they conveniently forget to mention when you sign up for the cancer club. First off, the lack of sensation in my breast. I mean, come on! I was expecting some superpowers or at least a built-in cup holder, but nope, just numbness. Thanks, cancer!

Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide

Breast cancer is a complex disease that affects millions of women worldwide. Among the various types of breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is particularly challenging to diagnose and treat. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of TNBC, exploring its characteristics, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment options, and ongoing research. By understanding this aggressive form of breast cancer, we can empower ourselves and support those affected by it. 1. What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer? - Definition and characteristics of TNBC - How TNBC differs from other types of breast cancer - Prevalence and demographics

Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Understanding its Aggressive Nature and Impact on Young Women

Breast cancer is a devastating disease that affects women of all ages and backgrounds. Among the various types of breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) stands out as the most aggressive form. This blog post aims to shed light on the unique challenges faced by young women, particularly black and Latina women, who are diagnosed with TNBC. By sharing personal experiences and exploring the current state of treatment options, we hope to raise awareness and provide support for those affected by this aggressive disease. 1. Understanding Triple Negative Breast Cancer: - Definition and characteristics of TNBC - How TNBC differs from other types of breast cancer - The aggressive nature of TNBC and its impact on prognosis 2. Demographics and Risk Factors: - The prevalence of TNBC in young women - Disparities in TNBC incidence among black and Latina women - Genetic factors and family history 3. Diagnosis and Symptoms: - Common symptoms and signs of TNBC - Challenges in diagnosing TNB

1 year with Cancer

I was diagnosed with stage 3 grade 3 Triple Negative Breast cancer at the age of 33 , I went through 20 rounds of chemotherapy two surgeries, a shit load of meds an the amputation of both my breast traumatic to say the least .  Let's talk about cancer, shall we? It's like the ultimate party crasher. You're just living your life, minding your own business, and then BAM! Cancer shows up uninvited and ruins everything.   Before my breast cancer diagnosis, I was incredibly shallow. I was obsessed with my appearance and always striving to live up to the model image I had created for myself. I even dreamed of posing for Playboy one day. But after a double mastectomy, I am now so self-conscious that I can hardly recognize myself. It took me almost a month to look down at my chest after the surgery. I cried and cried for hours in the bathroom, wondering how this could be happening to me. I had always been so confident in my body, and now I felt like a stranger in my own skin. They

Cancer in July

 July is a pretty. shitty month but, this year 2023 July has been ok to me, I'm so happy an excited about all the different opportunities  I have been given and are getting is crazy. I'm just sharing my crazy ass story , I'm thankful for these different outlets especially since I am still going through especially I am just one week from my one. year Cancerversary Crazy I can't believe it.

Cancer in July

This month marks one year since my breast decided to go rogue and try to take me out. But guess what? They didn't win! I'm still here, kicking ass and taking names. So, let's take a trip down memory lane and reflect on the rollercoaster ride that was the past year. One year ago today, I received the news that no one ever wants to hear: "You have cancer." Talk about a punch to the gut. It felt like my world was crumbling around me. But you know what they say, when life gives you lemons, make some damn lemonade. And that's exactly what I did.