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Not a boob job

The journey through misdiagnosis, disbelief, and ultimately, a life-altering diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer stage 3 was a whirlwind of emotions, frustrations, and unanswered questions. For 15 long months, I was told I was too young, that the rash on my breast was nothing more than eczema. But as the days passed and the symptoms worsened - heavy, red, hot, crusty yuck - it became clear that something more sinister was at play. Too young? Should I have to lift my shirt and show the world that mammograms shouldn't have an age minimum? Should I expose my chest to the editor and writer of that Wall Street Journal article that reduced a double mastectomy to a mere cosmetic procedure, as if I still had nipples to enhance? Sarah Thornton, the author of that article, did a disservice to breast cancer patients, survivors, and previvors alike. A mastectomy is not a choice made lightly, nor is it akin to a breast augmentation. It's a decision borne out of necessity, ou

Disappointed :Panel Recommends Breast Cancer Screening at 40

 My Journey Advocating for Personalized Breast Cancer Screening and Addressing Healthcare Disparities Breast cancer doesn't discriminate based on age, yet the guidelines for screening often do. My own experience with breast cancer diagnosis at 33 has led me to question the age requirements for mammograms and the impact they can have on early detection and treatment outcomes. The recent final recommendation on breast cancer screening by the United States Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) has prompted me to reflect on the importance of advocating for personalized screening based on individual circumstances. At 30, I started experiencing symptoms of breast cancer, but was told I was too young for a mammogram. It wasn't until 15 months later, at 33, that I was diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative breast cancer. This journey has made me question the rationale behind age requirements for mammograms and how they can affect individuals like me who fall outside the recommended age range.


Today is March 3rd, a day that holds significance as Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day. It's both astonishing and humbling to realize that my own battle with triple negative breast cancer is so fierce that it has garnered its own dedicated day of awareness. However, amidst the recognition, I made a conscious decision not to focus my post on this particular aspect today. March holds a multitude of personal milestones for me - it marks my daughter's birthday and the anniversary of my surgery. While my journey with triple negative breast cancer is an integral part of my story, I find myself wanting to delve into other facets of my life this month. March is a month of profound importance for me this year. It signifies the first anniversary of my surgery and the celebration of Laila's 10th birthday. Directing my attention towards anything beyond these significant events this month would feel like a disservice to the depth of emotions and experiences that I am navigating. While I

Cancer and Black History

Dr. LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. was an African American surgeon and cancer researcher who made significant contributions to the field of oncology. Born in 1930 in Tallahassee, Florida, Dr. Leffall faced racial discrimination and segregation throughout his early life. Despite these challenges, he excelled academically and went on to become the first African American to graduate from the University of Florida College of Medicine in 1952. Dr. Leffall's interest in cancer research and treatment led him to pursue a career in surgical oncology. He became a pioneer in the field, specializing in the treatment of colorectal cancer and other malignancies. Throughout his career, he held various leadership positions, including serving as the President of the American Cancer Society and the American College of Surgeons. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Leffall was a passionate advocate for cancer prevention and education, particularly within the African American community. He recognized the dis