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Showing posts from January, 2024

Embracing the Power of Yes: A Journey of Change and Growth

The concept of New Year's resolutions often comes to mind. Personally, I have never been a firm believer in setting resolutions, but I have come to realize that there are certain patterns in my life that I consistently strive to change. One such pattern is my desire to read more. Every year, I make a promise to myself that I will dedicate more time to reading, and yet, I often find myself falling short of this goal. It's a recurring cycle that I can't seem to break. Perhaps it's my Virgo nature that contributes to this cycle. As a Virgo, I am known for my meticulous planning and attention to detail. I always get a planner and jot down all the things I intend to do. It's almost comical how I am constantly "Virgoing" – a term I use to describe my tendency to overanalyze and overthink things. While this trait can be useful in certain aspects of life, it often becomes a hindrance when it comes to creativity and spontaneity. Being a creative person,

My Journey with Breast Cancer: Breaking Down Mammogram Age Minimums

Hey there, fellow readers! Today, I want to share a personal story that hits close to home for many of us in the black community. It's about the rising trend of cancer diagnoses at younger ages and the puzzling age restrictions on mammograms. So, grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and let's dive into this important topic together. My Personal Experience: I never thought cancer would become a part of my life, but life has a way of throwing unexpected curveballs. Last year, at the age of 23 I received a diagnosis that turned my world upside down: breast cancer. It was a shock, to say the least. I had always associated breast cancer with older women, but here I was, facing it at a much younger age. As I began my journey through treatment, I started researching and discovered some eye-opening statistics. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among black women? And what's even more alarming is that we are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age compared to wom

Embracing the Battle Scars: A Reflection on Strength and Resilience

weighing heavy on my heart. You see, I've battled breast cancer, and it's become a part of who I am. It's not something I can simply put behind me, no matter how much others may suggest it. Every day, when I look in the mirror, I'm reminded of the journey I've been through. The scars, both physical and emotional, serve as a constant reminder of the strength and resilience that resides within me. They are a testament to the battles I've fought and the victories I've achieved. To the outside world, we may appear strong, almost invincible. People often commend us for our bravery and perseverance. But what they don't see is that behind that strength lies a complex mix of emotions. We carry the weight of our experiences, and it shapes our perspective on life. Telling someone like me to "put it behind us" is like asking us to erase a significant part of our identity. It's not that we dwell on our past struggles, but rather, we embrace them as a p

Breaking Barriers : My journey with clinical Trials and the legacy of Henrietta Lacks

In this blog post, I want to share my personal experience as an African-American woman navigating the world of clinical trials. I will delve into the legacy of Henrietta Lacks, whose story has left a lasting impact on the trust and participation of African-Americans in medical research. Through my own journey with triple-negative breast cancer and the importance of DNA testing to determine the likelihood of recurrence, I aim to shed light on the barriers faced by our community and the need for relatable and urban narratives to bridge the gap. --- As an African-American woman diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, my journey has been filled with both hope and skepticism. When my doctor mentioned the possibility of participating in a clinical trial to determine the DNA characteristics of my tumor and the likelihood of recurrence, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I understood the potential benefits of contributing to medical research and advancing treatm

Instagrams to follow for TNBC

1. @triplenegativebc - This Instagram account is dedicated to raising awareness about triple negative breast cancer. They share personal stories, educational content, and resources for those affected by this specific type of breast cancer. 2. @tnbcaware - TNBC Aware is an organization that aims to provide support and resources for individuals with triple negative breast cancer. Their Instagram account shares survivor stories, educational content, and information about treatment options. 3. @tnbcwarrior - This Instagram account is run by a triple negative breast cancer survivor who shares her journey and provides support and inspiration to others fighting this type of breast cancer. 4. @tnbcfighters - TNBC Fighters is a community of individuals affected by triple negative breast cancer. Their Instagram account features personal stories, resources, and information about clinical trials and treatment options. 5. @tnbcadvocate - This account is dedicated to advocating for in

Some awesome ppl

1. @iamtamikaj - Tamika J is a breast cancer survivor and advocate who uses her platform to raise awareness about breast cancer in the black community. She shares her personal journey, provides resources, and encourages early detection and self-care. 2. @blackgirlswithcancer - This Instagram account is dedicated to sharing the stories and experiences of black women living with cancer, including breast cancer. They provide a supportive community and raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by black women in the cancer journey. 3. @blackwomencancer - Black Women Cancer is an organization that aims to empower and support black women affected by cancer, including breast cancer. Their Instagram account shares educational content, survivor stories, and resources for black women navigating the cancer journey. 4. @blackwomenrising - Black Women Rising is a platform that celebrates the strength and resilience of black women, including those affected by breast cancer. They


"Advocating for my health as a black woman with triple negative breast cancer means considering clinical trials. Here are key questions to ask your doctor:  1. Are there any clinical trials available for my specific type of cancer? 2. How might participating in a clinical trial benefit me? 3. Are there any potential risks or side effects I should be aware of? 4. Will my insurance cover the costs associated with the trial? 5. How can I find more information about clinical trials for black and brown women?  #ClinicalTrials #HealthEquity #BlackWomenInMedicine"


It's a strange feeling when you become the person who others turn to for advice and support, especially when it comes to dealing with a disease. In my case, it was cancer. Suddenly, I found myself being seen as the expert, the go-to source for information on treatments, surgeons, and mammograms. People reached out to me, strangers seeking guidance, as if I held all the answers. But what they don't realize is that every time someone brings up my experience, it reopens a wound that I thought had healed. It's like a constant reminder of the battle I fought and the pain I endured. It's not that I don't want to help or share my story, but sometimes, it can be incredibly traumatizing. The truth is, many of these people who now seek my advice weren't there for me when I needed support the most. They didn't witness the sleepless nights, the fear, and the uncertainty that consumed my life during my cancer journey. Yet, because of my advocacy and my belief


1. Introduction to Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) 2. Overview of TNBC treatment options 3. Common side effects of TNBC treatment    a. Fatigue and weakness    b. Nausea and vomiting    c. Hair loss    d. Changes in appetite and weight    e. Skin changes and rashes    f. Bone pain and joint stiffness    g. Peripheral neuropathy (numbness and tingling in hands and feet)    h. Menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, mood swings)    i. Increased risk of infection    j. Emotional and psychological effects 4. Personal experiences and testimonials from TNBC survivors 5. Coping strategies and support for managing side effects 6. Importance of open communication with healthcare team 7. Tips for self-care during TNBC treatment 8. Resources and organizations for TNBC support and information 9. Conclusion and encouragement for TNBC patients and their loved ones 10. Call to action for viewers to share the video and raise awareness about TNBC side effects.

Rediscovering Myself: Thriving After Chemo

Today, I want to share a personal experience that has left me both scared and amazed. You see, after two years of constantly being surrounded by someone ( my caregivers lol) during my battle with breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, I recently found myself alone in New York. And let me tell you, it was a revelation. Life after chemo is a journey filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. It's a time of healing, both physically and emotionally, and rediscovering who we are beyond the illness that consumed our lives. For me, being alone in New York was a pivotal moment in this journey. In the midst of bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, I realized just how much I had missed myself. The constant presence of others had become a safety net, shielding me from the vulnerability and uncertainty that comes with being alone. But in that moment, I embraced the fear and allowed myself to truly be present. Being alone forced me to confront my own thoughts, desires, and dream

Navigating the Post-hemo Journey: Finding Support Beyond the Bell

As I sit here, 11 months post-chemo, I find myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. It's a strange feeling, as if the people I longed for during the depths of my sickness have suddenly resurfaced. However, their assumption that my hair regrowth signifies the end of my battle with cancer leaves me feeling conflicted. This phase of my journey has proven to be challenging, as the texts and outreach from those who once stood by my side have dwindled. In this blog post, I want to explore the complexities of this post-chemo period and shed light on the importance of continued support. The Misconception: It's understandable that people may assume that once the bell is rung, cancer is conquered. After all, the regrowth of my hair is a visible sign of progress. However, the reality is far more complex. While I am grateful for the physical changes that signify healing, the emotional and psychological toll of cancer lingers long after treatment ends. It's crucial for

Embracing my inner Carrie Bradshaw with Barbie. Boobs

Hey there, fabulous readers! So, picture this: I'm 28 years old, living in the concrete jungle of New York City, and single. Oh, and did I mention that I have no breasts? Yep, you heard that right. Breast cancer decided to pay me a visit, and now I'm rocking what I like to call my "Barbie boobs." Life sure has a funny way of throwing curveballs at you, doesn't it? When I was younger, I used to watch Sex and the City religiously. I idolized Carrie Bradshaw and her fabulous life in the Big Apple. I dreamed of strutting down the streets of Manhattan in designer shoes, sipping cosmos with my fabulous friends, and having a love life that was as exciting as the latest fashion trends. But here I am, living my own version of Sex and the City, except with a twist. Instead of being a confident, fashion-forward woman with a killer wardrobe, I'm a breast cancer survivor with a unique sense of humor and a pair of Barbie boobs. Who would've thought? Now, you might be wo

A Husband's Perspective: Navigating the Role of Caregiver as My Wife Battles Cancer

In life, we often face challenges that test our strength and resilience. For me, one of the most difficult journeys I have embarked upon is being a caregiver to my wife as she battles cancer. As a husband and father, I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions, sometimes wishing that I could bear the burden instead. In this blog post, I want to share my perspective on being a caregiver and the profound impact my wife has on our children's lives. 1. The Weight of the Caregiver Role: Being a caregiver is a role that demands immense strength, patience, and selflessness. As my wife fights her battle with cancer, I have taken on the responsibility of ensuring her comfort, managing medical appointments, and providing emotional support. While I am honored to be there for her, there are moments when the weight of this role feels overwhelming. 2. The Unspoken Wish: There are times when I find myself silently wishing that I could trade places with my wife. Witnessing her p


Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer that lacks estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression. While TNBC affects individuals from all backgrounds, there are specific considerations within the black and young communities. In this blog post, we will explore the facts surrounding TNBC in these communities, shedding light on the unique challenges and potential solutions. 1. Higher Incidence Rates in the Black Community: Studies have shown that black women have a higher incidence rate of TNBC compared to other racial and ethnic groups. This disparity is attributed to various factors, including genetic predisposition, socioeconomic factors, and healthcare disparities. It is crucial to raise awareness about TNBC within the black community and advocate for equal access to screening, early detection, and treatment options. 2. Aggressive Nature and Poor Prognosis: TNBC is known for it

The Unseen Struggles of Survivorship

It's a strange feeling when you become the person who others turn to for advice and support, especially when it comes to dealing with a disease. In my case, it was cancer. Suddenly, I found myself being seen as the expert, the go-to source for information on treatments, surgeons, and mammograms. People reached out to me, strangers seeking guidance, as if I held all the answers. But what they don't realize is that every time someone brings up my experience, it reopens a wound that I thought had healed. It's like a constant reminder of the battle I fought and the pain I endured. It's not that I don't want to help or share my story, but sometimes, it can be incredibly traumatizing. The truth is, many of these people who now seek my advice weren't there for me when I needed support the most. They didn't witness the sleepless nights, the fear, and the uncertainty that consumed my life during my cancer journey. Yet, because of my advocacy and my belief

Reflecting on MY JOURNEY: Grateful for everyday

Happy New Year! As I sit here in 2024, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Gratitude for being here, for being alive, and for the strength to face the challenges that life has thrown my way. This year, and every day, I am reminded of the incredible journey I have been on. It's hard to believe that just 11 months ago, I was going through chemotherapy, surgery, and therapy. The memories of those difficult times are still fresh in my mind, but they serve as a constant reminder of my resilience and determination. I never thought I would be able to say that I made it through, but here I am, standing tall and grateful for every moment. The speed at which this year has passed is both astonishing and humbling. It feels like just yesterday that I was in the midst of my battle, fighting against breast cancer. The darkness that surrounded me during that time was overwhelming, and the losses of my father and grandmother only added to the weight on my shoulders. I coul