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Life After Cancer: A Journey of Strength and Resilience

 Written by: Erica Banks 

 The bustling crazy world, life is a constant battle after surviving cancer. Despite the assumption that everything is back to normal, I wrestle daily with the invisible scars. The mirror, once a source of confidence, now reminds me of the journey I've endured. This shit has been hard this shit has been different I have been weaker than I have ever been.Every day brings reminders of the relentless fight against cancer - the faint scars, the fatigue that lingers, and the constant vigilance. Though the battle may be behind me, its echoes resonate in the depths of my being. Has Cancer Consumed my life yes it has I almost died ! I almost died!!!! Almost doesn't count ! 

In a world that moves at lightning speed, my struggles often go unnoticed. It's as if I've become invisible, lost among the sea of people who fail to understand the lasting impact of my battle.While the world sees resilience, they fail to grasp the depth of my vulnerability. They assume I can effortlessly bounce back, oblivious to the emotional exhaustion that lingers within.My physical scars are a testament to the strength I've mustered NO I am strong I am a mom that didn't want to die I am a mom that didn't want to leave my husband behind doing five girls hair. While the scars  mark my body, they don't define me. Each scar tells a unique story, a symbol of survival. 

Through artistic expression, I find solace in the chaos. Painting, writing, or dancing allows my emotions to flow freely, offering a gentle escape from the weight of my experiences.In the stillness of my mind, I rediscover peace. Mindfulness practices bring me back to the present, reminding me to gently acknowledge the difficulties while embracing the moments of joy.Surrounding myself with a network of understanding souls has been a lifeline. Sharing stories, tears, and laughter with fellow survivors creates a sense of community and restores my faith in humanity. 

sharing our stories, awareness takes root. Together, we can debunk myths, challenge misconceptions, and offer understanding to those who have yet to encounter this battle. 


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